Otmane, Canadian residing in Montreal and Ghita, American residing in New York City are first cousins born and raised in Morocco who are very ambitious individuals that envisioned a Canadian website where moms and dads could easily find essential baby products that would be efficiently delivered within Canada and the world.
As our story continues and our store grows, Stroll in Style is promising all its costumers to always give the cheapest prices available Online. Also Baby’s safety will always be our number one priority and we will always ensure the parents that all our products will meet the Canadian and American quality control and safety regulations.
Don’t forget to check out our Instagram and Facebook pages where we are very active and  encourage you to chat with us and communicate with other amazing families. We promote many giveaways and You’ll discover great specials and new products.
Our favorite part about starting our journey is that all the baby products will reach parents across Canada in a timely manner with great shipping prices.
Please dont hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or questions.